It was very strange walking outside this morning and notice that everything was dry. Not one raindrop to be found. Right now, I see a large patch of light blue in the sky.
Why is it that the day after I stop procrastinating and make a hair appointment, my hair finally looks fabulous?
Ink drawings~
When it comes to brushes and paper, I know better. I should have splurged on a couple new sable brushes instead of synthetic. Even when working with a new technique, the last thing I need is to be fighting with the materials.
When taking photos, I can go in and crop tight with the camera, but I fail miserably in doing the same thing with drawing. It's in my head, and yet I still try to capture the whole world instead of a snippet. Again, I know better. Just need to remember that. By showcasing details of the work and in comparing my drawings to the photos, that's the big message.
There is a new food project out where you pledge to publicly document what you eat for 6 days. It's brilliant. And…I can't do it. And because I can't, I think I should. We'll see.
Food is funny. My approach to food runs the gamut from healthy to destructive. And in those harmful moments, I'm a closet eater.
Or…there are times when I simply can't be bothered and I'm exhausted but know I need food to keep my blood sugar up. I tend to live on Lean Cuisines or Healthy Choice frozen dinners. Many packaged foods. Not healthy when it's all processed. There is much shame in that.
In my best moments, I enjoy finding healthy, fresh foods. I tend to keep away from the grease and white sugar stuff. Or I'll be happy with a taste. Just a sample. In that, I don't get the impression of deprivation. When I'm feeling strong, physically and emotionally, there is balance.
I love the sex in food - that feeling in my cunt when I've just tasted the most surprising, incredible amazing flavors. Or the glistening sensation that comes to sitting down to dinner with loving friends.
My Eye Guy.
There's a little eyeglass shop on Broadway where I've purchased glasses for the last 6 years. I haven't seen the owner in a couple years, until yesterday when I brought my glasses to get them fixed. Not only did he remember my name, but he gave me a discount on the repair.
Near 15th, a block from my apartment, is a small shoe repair shop. I've been told the shop has been there for 65 years. The landlord once again raised his rent, which now makes it more difficult for him to stay in business. He's in danger of closing. Very sad.
The large corporate machines will never offer what these small companies do. The little shops have passion, commitment and loyalty. They offer service. Service - on its way to extinction...pushed aside and getting lost by capitalistic greed.
This photo came from the window of the shoe guy.
That's all for now.