I know better.
I know better, I know better, I know better.
And yet, when will I learn?
If I don't eat regularly, my blood sugar drops and I get stupid and sleepy. I know this.
So what the hell was I thinking when I figured I could do an all day plane thing on a banana, 1/2 a muffin and 5 cashews?
Dinner the first night around 8ish. Yesterday I was bad as well...not eating on time.
Between the two days, and an interrupted sleep, it wreaked havoc with my body yesterday.
Oh well. Today it begins. I'll be more strict.
I could feel my sugar dipping all day. Too many up and down swings make my body feel weird. Anyway...that's a long way of saying that I was going to blog earlier...but was too mentally soft to compose anything.
Wednesday night I stayed in Bay Ridge which was wonderful!
Kerry and his Papabear were more than perfect hosts and generous with kindness and lovin'. After dinner we walked out to a pier. I don't remember the name. But as each said "we have a 270 degree view!"
View of Manhattan, Staten Island, etc, etc, etc.
The walk was great after being cooped up in a plane all day.
Yesterday morning, with wonderfully explicit directions and two trains, I lugged my stuff over to
Matt's. After dumping the luggage, I experienced
Tom's Restaurant. One of my coworker's gave me strict orders to go to Tom's...and it's only a block away from where I'm staying.
It's charming, the food is good and the staff is very friendly. I could have sat there for a few hours...soaking in the juju.
From there, I spent a couple hours in the Brooklyn Museum. It's something I've wanted to do for very many years, but never had the chance.
As I was telling
Nayland on the phone yesterday, I found my gem at the museum. Each time I step into a museum I keep my eyes and skin open for one thing that strikes me. Just one. With galleries, I do not seek it if I'm only going to one gallery, but if I check out a bunch of them in an afternoon, then I will be sniffing around.
It's my personal treasure hunt.
Today I found it. So much so that it moved me to tears. Here's a bad reproduction:
Le Philosophe by Jacques Villon.
(A short derailment. Maybe over a year ago I went off on a tear about the mass production of original paintings into prints. Yeah I know about making it more accessible to everyone but...BUT...I'll say it again. Unless you are up close and personal, you lose out on the magic. You can't soak it in with your pores, you can't smell it, you can't feel it. You miss so much. In buying a print of an original painting, you've purchased wallpaper. It may be pretty wallpaper. The image may make you happy. But, so much is lost compared to looking at original work. Just sayin')Back to the Villon, just to the left of the head...and you cannot tell from this particular reproduction, is a patch of light in a very dark section. The almost subtle warmth dancing in this greenish brown is glorious. I happened upon the painting, it caught my eye and proceeded to floor me. That one spot made the painting a holy experience.
Then as I allowed myself to be pulled away, I travelled throughout the rest of the painting...until I came to the black drawn lines at his leg. And the flavors of whites that are used...again pushing some great light...
....well...it was wow.
A few floors later I found another treat. Not as powerful as the first, but it was still delicious.
Frank Deveneck's
Portrait of A Man (Richard Creifeld) is gorgeous. (Again another really crummy reproduction. There is no way to see what I saw from this web image.)
I am a sucker for well-painted painterly portraits. There's a sculptural quality that gets me wet. When I can see the way the face was chiseled out...I have no words for it.
It's a simple painting and yet because of the hand of the painter, it is complex. The man is not typically beautiful and yet, because it feels as if the subject was captured with affection and integrity...it allows for grace to permeate from the painting.
I did wander throughout the entire museum but most works received only a cursory glance. Feeling what I saw in the Villon painting was more than enough. My sketchbook was out and I did a few quick thumbnails as well as jot notes and names of a few other works that intrigued me.
Last night it was dinner at
Junior's with Matt and Nayland. It's an upscale diner with great food and known for their cheesecakes. And so much food! A few times, I found myself dancing in my seat from the flavors. There was no way I could finish or even half finish everything. Vast amounts of food.
So much for my first day.
I've walked to the corner for a coffee this morning. Sat, enjoying it in front of the building I'm staying in and chatted up a sweet 73 year old man who was also sitting, enjoying the day. And now...off to do a few things before I get on with the remainder of today.