I don't know if I'm back on a daily basis but right now, here I am.
It's been a challenging few weeks, increasing in intensity.
Old and not so old memories have returned in fits and waves, all allowing for greater understanding of who I am.
My choice to not blog was the equivalent of curling up in a cave or being locked in a cage. For my eyes only. Or me and a few others.
Licking my wounds.
In addition to the internal work, it's been a very busy week.
Badfaggot was in town and we spent much time together. He is near and dear to my heart.
Then on Friday was the added bonus of
As a total surprise, we ended up spending all day Friday together. Alki Beach, Fremont, downtown...we walked, looked, experienced and talked. And talked some more.
Ubermunkey and I had briefly met back in September when
Bitterlawngnome was in town. We were introduced over dinner. And on Friday, it felt like we were old friends. Very comfortable. Familiar energy. He immediately became one of the family.
Saturday night there was a small play party of about 12 in a very intimate setting. Our two out of town guests were able to join us. It was perfect. The energy just right. Hearing screams from the dungeon while some of us were upstairs, was music. In addition, being in the dungeon and hearing screams coming from the kitchen was also a joy.
Playing with family is a wonderful thing. From the silliness, the teasing, to the shift in energy pushing people into scenes of varying intensity was wonderful. One on one, to groupings, to finally kicking back, all sprawled on the floor talking and laughing. Pokes, pinches and prods were thrown in for good measure.
A few cathartic scenes were enjoyed.
Near the end I was engaged in a duel with another boy. I was wielding a riding crop while he was armed with a nasty, thin little fiberglass cane.
It was all needed. The massive amount of touching both tender and rough, biting, deep kisses, back rubs, torture, beatings and tears.
And love. Much love.
Thank you. All of you.
And you. Thank you for the call that night. Your timing was so very perfect.)
The photo from the party is the most you'll get from me.
And no, I'm not the one locked up and tucked in a sleepsack.
I was one of the screamers.