Yesterday I wrote that animal was my theme for the day.
I had no idea what that would entail, until later.
I immersed myself in hunger, in longing, in pleasure. Never satisfied and continually desiring.
Fortunately, I've been working on a project that is production oriented. It didn't require the intense amount of critical thinking most projects do. In that, I needed to take periodic breaks away from the data. This allowed me to be with the driving force within.
Shamelessly, I continued to reach out, expressing myself. The fire raged and continued to grow. I was living in a different reality, not one of control and caution…not my typical Capricorn self.
My beast cried, clawed and growled, seeking food and release.
Later in the afternoon something hit me. I saw what I let myself step into. Embarrassment set in. And fear.
I was mortified that I had revealed such darkness, not only to myself but to another. Over and over.
Reaching our nakedness is a matter of peeling off layers. This was the most naked I'd been thus far. There have been many times where my animal has come out to play. But I clearly remember only one other moment where I felt it and not only didn't want to leave, but wanted to reveal more.
Yesterday, once I saw where I let myself go, that space terrified me. The hunger was enormous. I've never in my adult life, experienced such desire nor had I ever shown another this extent of aching desire. I'm lusty as hell, but in context, this was new for me. It scared me because for many hours I played and swam in a dark pool and now wondered if I could lose myself in that. If so, who was I really? Where was the independent person who didn't need anyone?
I feel blessed to have the experience. It has shown me a deeper self and there is much to mull over.
Who am I under all those covers?
Can I exist in multiple realities?
How do I live a life of integrity which includes my beast?
After writing the above I see that I didn't lay out my biggest fear.
In the space I was in yesterday, as the one from a few years back, in touching that aspect of animal, I didn't want to leave.
I craved to go further, deeper, darker and not return to the person I currently know as me.
I felt comfortable in that place and longed to remain.
So with continued exploration, I fear I will become so enthralled with what feels like home that all I am now will disappear and I'll become a being, caught in their primitive nature. There is a little more to this fear but my blog isn't the place for it.
Here is this week's Freewill Astrology.