Back to the questions. I still have a few more to answer. And these aren't easy!
"Is there a way to define sex so that it encompasses all the activities and experiences that you find erotic/sexual? In other words, what is sex to you?"
I think the only way I could define it is when I tap into a certain energy...a specific connection. In doing so, I will have a sexual experience. What I can't define is what that energy is. I just know it when I feel it. And I've discovered that activity is irrelevant, although some carry more consistent results than others. But there is always a surprise around the bend. I simply have to remain open.
Also, I don't believe that an orgasm is a requirement to defining sex. There have been some powerful sexual moments that didn't culminate in an orgasm. But, experiences that have included an orgasm (as you'll see below) I do see as sex.
Until 10 years ago I thought sex was strictly fucking and sucking. Traditional sex. My journey into s/m began to show me a larger way of seeing sex. It was just a matter of experiencing other things.
The first time I came without any genital contact was on the phone...at work, with my boss standing behind me! I was still living back east. The phone rang, I answered the typical greeting which included my name, and it was my first Top. She said one sentence..."cum for me." It was all I could do to keep quiet while this massive orgasm built up inside, my body shook, I sweated...and I came. She and I had been playing for a few months.
Continuing my journey, I've since discovered new ways.
The first time I came in context of what would appear to have nothing to do with sex was in Portland. I was visiting the Japanese Garden with another top at that time. We were wandering the grounds. Nothing sexual going on. I came across a portion of the garden that grabbed my gut and cunt. My breath caught in my throat, and I began to moan, absolutely captivated by the beauty around me. The top I was with was a few steps behind. Later on she said she saw my body posture and knew what was happening. Shaking, I grabbed hold of the tree next to me so I wouldn't fall over as I was overcome by an orgasm.
Yes, a big surprise...a gorgeous gift that will never be forgotten. It showed me that sex really is bigger than what I thought.
A year later, I was painting. So engrossed in a certain painting that as I was laying paint on the canvas, I became turned on, and came.
I learned that when my hair was long, if it was grabbed in a specific location, it was directly wired to my cunt and clit and I would come.
Just a few examples.
There have been a few times, in concerts, where the music filled me to such a degree that I came, sitting there, while tears filled my eyes.
Over the years, I've read statements that declare orgasms are impossible without genital contact. I think it is true....if that is what you believe. But when one sees other possibilities, then sex can be found in so many places.
One weekend, with a group of 30, we were all dancing in the morning. This man and I were facing each other, not touching. Maybe about 6 inches to a foot apart. The energy built up and an orgasm began to build...and release. It knocked both of us over.
Doing the Prix Fixe performance piece. I came in the first 10 minutes or so of the 2 hour piece, sitting there, watching someone else eat.
Bondage, with no genital contact has also, at times, created orgasms.
Caning. Singletails. Pain play.
Service. Oh my...service. Service is a powerful sexual experience.
I remember once, in a Body Electric class. It was the first full day. I was laying on the massage table and someone was working my shoulders and lower neck. Again, I came. Thing is, I came hard and loud. And became embarrassed. Then I approached the facilitators to apologize for my outburst. They said, "don't apologize! It shows everyone else what is possible. It's a good thing." So I settled into it.
Imagine. I wrote about this a year or two ago. Just imagine, if most of us threw out our definition of sex and opened it up. How could it then be regulated? What would then be considered porn? Wouldn't, with practice, all our lives then have the possibility of becoming erotic works of art?
While thinking about this question last week, I wondered if our reason for holding onto a narrow definition of sex is not only for regulation and power over by governments and organized religions but, what if it was covering up a fear of change?
Think about it in terms of sexual orientation. If we say straight sex is this, and gay sex is that, and bi sex is something else...what happens when sex becomes so much more than that? What happens when it can manifest itself in different venues and contexts, alone or even with people you wouldn't normally be attracted to in a traditional sexual way? What does that do to our neat little definitions? What does that then do to laws? What does it do for sex ed? What does that do to society?
Wouldn't it kind of blow our identities out of the water? Leave us floundering...with no earth under our feet...
...uncomfortable, yes.
Fucking scary? Absolutely.
But I don't see it as a bad thing.
Maybe we need an invigorating shake up.
So, I can't define sex. It's a mishmash of many different things. All I clearly know is, I know it when I smell it. And, the orgasm that stems from deep in my belly is even more powerful than the one that begins in my cunt. And to make things more complicated, it has nothing to do with what is being touched or not touched.
It really is about energy and connection.
Thank you for asking.