These are current pieces I'm still working on. Don't get too attached (if you like 'em, that is). They'll change soon enough.
Final question asked during question month:
"Going off on a tangent from the sexual intensity question, can you describe some of your most intense reactions to the art of others? For the purposes of this question I think "art' can be any way you chose to define it.
I've fainted twice in the presence of others' art :)"
Here are a couple examples.
First, about fine art.
The first time I had a powerful reaction to a painting was in 1994 at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. I'll never forget it. And I'm not even sure why it happened. But I walked into a room and my eyes landed upon Matisse's Carmelita and immediately my eyes filled with tears.
It's a sweet little painting and an image doesn't do it justice. But still...I was always surprised by that reaction.
The second time, and it was even more powerful, was a year ago. Walking up to the door of the gallery, I saw these paintings through the window and my breath caught in my throat and again, as I entered the space my face wet with tears. All I could do was immerse myself in the painter's work...wander the gallery and felt humbled. It was a painter I had never heard of until that moment.
It felt like home. I couldn't even verbalize my thoughts while surrounded by the work. If I had tried, I would have simply broken down. Once I left the gallery, on the sidewalk, I was able to explain to the person I was with, those were the paintings I would do if I had courage. To this day I still think about Amy Sillman's paintings.
A couple other experiences come to mind but I'll keep those private.
One I will share was the time I discovered joy for the first time in my life. It didn't have to do with regular art but it was definitely art. About 7 months ago, after a powerful week, I cried every day for the next 2 weeks because at 47 years old I finally knew joy.
It threw me for a loop because joy had never seemed like an elusive state. I knew happiness and giddiness. I thought I knew joy. Yet....in this particular time, I learned that joy comes from a very deep place that fills the entire space between my cunt up to my throat with the most substantial, warmest and brightest sensation. It carries a penetrating calm. The tears would spring up many times each day because of the awe I felt. The holiest of feelings. Rooted deep within.
Even now, thinking about it, my being is filled with enormous gratitude and pleasure.
It is not something I could even begin to take for granted.
So those are a few examples. Now I'm curious as to what experience you had that caused you to faint.
Thank you everyone who participated in question month. It's been challenging and delightful. And, questions aren't only limited to March. If you're curious about something, feel free to ask.