I've been thinking about a year end entry and have struggled with the words.
It's been one of the most difficult years I've ever experienced and one, as of right now, I wouldn't have the strength to repeat. In spite of this, it's also been a year of much movement and change...such as with the painting. And, I feel honored to be given the gift of this journey.
There have been specky bits of magic. There are relationships deepening including a reconnection with a painter.
There have also been a few surprises with my leather life. Interesting invitations for play as well as being sought out to mentor and consult.
This year has been a year of digging and weeding.
My doctor said, when we bumped into each other in public, "suffering suits you." Last month, a board member, who has watched what's been happening with my art came up to me and said "bravery becomes you."
I hear that and find it odd because clearly a handful of insightful people are seeing something I'm not quite feeling inside. I know I'm heading toward a greater self assuredness. It just ain't there yet.
Each day, I take note of the goodness.
It's been a powerful year for our country as well as for the nonprofit I work for.
Profound moments of healing with my family.
These images are an overview of 2008. It's my storage in the studio closet...jam-packed with paintings as well as a few clean canvases. In addition there are about 25 other paintings in the studio.
2008 has been a year filled with much work. Emotional and physical.

And this is the final painting I've worked on in 2008. It's a new one, begun today.

Happy New Year everyone. 2009 is going to be quite a ride.