For quite a while now I've been in the strangest state.
It's a continual heart ache that doesn't seem to cease. What changes is the intensity of the pain, but that's it. Some days it's light and other days I can barely catch my breath. My whole world has been thrown in a state of mass confusion. I've never before in my life sat in greater unknown. And, being someone who needs to take control of things to control their own life, it's making for an incredibly challenging lesson.
What I'm learning is that the only thing I have control over is how present I choose to be to my heart. So I struggle between shutting down and waking up again, pushing myself to greater awareness because I refuse to have life beat me down.
With all this, I hold so many complex emotions in my hands. I'm thrilled with where the art is going. Again last night I watched magic happen on the canvas. Another level of maturity is blooming in the work. I'm in awe of what is manifesting in the studio. At the same time, the stroke of the brush, an inhale, a step, or the simple act of feeding myself still carries much hurt. I can have special moments like this weekend and the ache never leaves. I'm honored that I see major positive changes in the relationship with my father. And yet, once again, it's all come with great cost.
A while ago, a friend mentioned they wanted to be more present..."like you" they said. I remember tears springing to my eyes and I replied "no you don't. It's an incredibly lonely and painful place. Very few understand and even fewer want to share in that journey."
My response to them wasn't about pushing them away but in that moment I was encircled by despair.
In therapy we've discussed love and fear. It began when I was telling the shrink about my intention... "My love is greater than my fear." By the way, I'm still writing in my intention journal every night. Some evenings I don't have it in me because I can't come close to believing the words I put to paper. Those are the times I know I really need to do it and will push myself to write. So the intention journal, for over three months now has become a crucial part of a daily discipline in learning that I too am worthy and no matter what I encounter, I can overcome.
I've added a new intention. A few of them actually. One is "I am releasing all things poisonous." The other, "I am accessing a joyous path." The flow of the words may change each night, but the intent remains the same. I will access a joyous path.
Love and fear.
I told my shrink that our whole world revolves around love and fear. He concurred. He mentioned that in what he's learned over the years, acts considered good or evil are really the result of acting out of love or out of fear. What appears to be mean action is actually the behavior of a terrified soul.
I don't want to live in fear. But I'm learning that living with a mindfulness toward love is incredibly difficult and at times feels impossible. Learning to forgive, over and over is not easy. What's easy is to shut down, put up walls and carry anger. In that, the next step is an eye for an eye. Vengeance. Lashing out.
I refuse to live in fear.
And yet, I'm painfully human. The anger rises up and then, upon looking, I see it stems from hurt. So I embrace the hurt, work on nurturing myself, and take the next step. Once again, opening my heart, desiring a life of vulnerability regardless of what anyone else thinks or how they act.
I need to stay close to honesty.
Here is this week's
Freewill Astrology.