Tomorrow, I'm supposed to work with Rose again in the studio. It's going to be interesting. Our landlord had us clean out our storage closet earlier this week so he could demolish the storage loft space and construct something else that meets fire code. It will actually give us more storage, but in the meantime, our large studio is filled with its contents. Paintings, and cans, and stuff upon stuff. I haven't been able to work in the space this week and tonight I'll go in and attempt to make a cozy area for Rose and a workable space for me.
Also, I'm working on a new art project that I hope to finish this weekend.
Yesterday, I remembered that it's time to get moving on the illustrations I've agreed to create for a friend's book. And yesterday, a 120 page draft of another friend's book to read hit my in box.
It's all doable. Feeling a tad stretched but it's good.
Last Saturday I had a play date and received a powerful flogging. It assisted with beginning to break through a few walls I've constructed due to broken trust that sadly, has affected pretty much all of my relationships other than my therapist and my confidant. This scene was one of the connections I wrote about a few days ago. And although I desire to express what manifested internally for me, I still don't have the words.
In time.
This week I ended up with two therapy appointments - my regular one on Tuesday and then we booked another for Wednesday morning. It was perfect. Wednesday's appointment provided additional healing. My shrink gave me an amazing gift. It was the simplest thing and at the same time, huge. I love my shrink.
I've been falling for him in a fabulous way. Not romantically, yet our relationship, within the confines of an analyst/client arena, is incredibly intimate. I'm aware it comes because, with time, I've been able to open to him freely.
The harder or the more terrified or even incredibly embarrassed I am to share something (no matter how trivial it may appear) is the very time I NEED to reveal myself. Those are the moments that build trust, intimacy and actually allow work to be done…growth and healing. It's nothing I've shirked from yet have noticed that the deeper we delve into the darkened closet, the more difficult it was to remain open. When greater resistance is felt, I am granted increased awareness which highlights that I've reached a pivotal decisive moment which offers further cleansing.
So how can I not dive in?
And most importantly, dark chocolate covered cranberries totally rock.