Today's photo~

With words.
Normally, I prefer the daily photo to stand alone. But this one fits much too perfectly with some of what's been weighing on me and part of today's conversation with G, my shrink.
This morning, one of my favorite astrologers wrote about Sedna. I've mentioned her before. Last fall I did a series of paintings based on Sedna. From an Inuit myth, she was thrown in the dark Artic Sea by her father, after he cut off her limbs. At the bottom of the ocean, she managed to create life...whales and dolphins morphing from her amputated limbs.
The astrologer reminded me that Sedna is a dark story...about leaving your heart open while in hell.
Today's photo is what I've been feeling like for a while now. Broken. Busted. Thrown away. Trash.
In today's session with G, my shrink, we spoke about that very thing.
In addition, I've been acutely aware and humbled by the fact that the power I do find and can access happens in the studio. With each step into a deeper "hell" my colors are becoming brighter and my strokes bolder. And yet, it feels almost as if it exists within a bubble. Outside of my art it isn't the photo. The busted sink is down the hall from my studio.
But, there are special moments. Little snippets of time and space where magic and healing are manifested. Such as time with my father, which I've shared with a few, or the burgeoning closeness that continues to develop between a few people and myself.
It seems that the deeper I dare to delve into my original wounds, challenging myself to face painful emotions long buried...unearthed, the more I'm discovering my strength as well. With this, I'm holding a bundle of complex feelings. The more space I give myself to grieve for my whole life the more my inner self becomes rooted..solid.
It's a life of vast contrasts.
Here is a painting I worked on yesterday.
12x16The next painting, which is not
the one from a few days ago, I began yesterday as well and worked some more on it today. This particular one was the more realistic painting that I let sit for the last month.
22x28I hold onto the story of Sedna. Creating life, keeping my heart open...while immersed in the blackest blacks.