Photo from Americablog.
The reason I linked to that entry is because it jogged something important for me.
8 years. It's been 8 long years. 8 difficult years. We know this. But what struck me is that in my personal life, it's also been 8 challenging years.
I began my leather training with a mentor 8 years ago. It was a period of stripping away and paring down. He requested many sacrifices of me. After my mentor suffered a stroke, I began to see a therapist for what I thought would be short term grief support. One thing led to another and that process turned into a very deep journey. My therapist also became my teacher...my guide. With him we continued the stripping away that was begun in training. It was natural. Beautifully organic. Painful. And very rich and textured.
Although these last 8 years have produced some of the most hurtful moments of my life, they've also assisted in propelling me to a different place.
Very new paintings are getting shown 2 days after the election. They represent a change in how I paint and what I dare show the world.
Yesterday we had a day long staff retreat and they had a show and tell at the beginning. I brought one of the new pieces. My coworkers were the perfect group to do a small reveal with.
My family, my work, my personal life, my s/m...all changing and tapping into richer spaces. I'm slowly becoming more comfortable with the lonliness of not fitting into the mainstream, even subcultures that are mainstreaming with commercialism, media, workshops and conferences.
The odd thing is, I knew I already sought deeper than many. I've been fighting that for quite a while. After spending my whole life being told "I love you but....I can't hang out with you because you see too much...are too intense...go too deep..." I worked hard to figure out how to live with myself. It's the reason my parents couldn't coddle their firstborn and it's replayed itself over and over for 48 years.
With that, what began from the earliest rejection and abandonment was the idea that I was bad. It was my fault. How else can a child explain a parent's distance? I never knew until after many years of therapy, how ingrained that belief was - I am bad. On one level, mentally, I knew I wasn't. But it was a root belief. Fortified after each abandonment and slowly covered up by years of living. It was affecting everything I touch.
Yet now, with much rigorous work and diligence, in the stripping away and hitting that core, I'm slowly beginning to accept myself knowing, I'm not bad and at the same time it will be a lonelier, quieter path.
Who I am, and what I seek is not frequently found. Yet I am discovering that although it's rare, there are a few other explorers who look for similar...and in various ways we connect. Our common values of seeking integration, honesty, compassion and choosing to step into the fire bring us together.
I'm seeing a beautiful completion in my leather training, knowing that what I am now touching is what my Mentor had hoped I'd access.
It's Halloween, the Day of the Dead, Samhain. This year I've been moved to really note this time...the time when the veil between life and death is thinnest. Rituals more rooted in carrying an ongoing meditation of the meaning of life/death. Change. Transformation. Rebirth.
Although I find it striking, it's no coincidence that this time of personal growth and healing is synchronized with what's happening throughout our country...and the world. We are all connected, aren't we?
Yes we can.