I am so sick today. Yesterday I thought the cold was getting better and went on a gallery hop. By last night, I was depleted. Today, my boss contacted me and told me not to come to the day long staff/board meeting, yet instead, rest.
About 5pm I needed to get out of the house for a bit and met a couple friends for dinner. The walk back up the hill after dinner was one of the most arduous walks I've taken in a while.
Ugh. I'm close to whining.
Regarding yesterday, I had a profound and most holy experience while in the Kucera Gallery, immersing myself in Michael Dailey's paintings. You can see some of the work here but it doesn't come close to the real work. The magic, strength and impact of his work does not show up in jpegs. The luminosity doesn't even glimmer on screen. If you have a chance, go see these paintings.
Topping off an almost "too much" experience was being able to walk into another room in the same gallery and surround myself in Motherwell. Between Dailey and Motherwell, I had to fight back the sobs.
At this point, I am more determined than ever to expose myself in my work. I have to break through whatever it is that prevents me from full artistic freedom. It's fucking frustrating, especially after what I witnessed yesterday.
We began our gallery tour with a very special photo exhibit at the Gibson Gallery. From their website:
"An exhibit of the clear vision of 20th century master photographers, including works by Hector Acebes, Ansel Adams, Diane Arbus, Ruth Bernhard, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Wynn Bullock, Walker Evans, Imogen Cunningham, Yousuf Karsh, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Ruth Orkin, Aaron Siskind, Brett Weston, Minor White, and Marion Post Wolcott."
It was a powerful beginning to a potent afternoon.
Today, in addition to being sick, I'm feeling the effects of being so moved by the work. It's also touched other parts of my heart, the devastated, wounded pieces - the pieces that have been so broken and feel that the whole world is mean. So all in all...today I'm a fucked up mess.