The Violence Within
Huge insights...
Emotionally, it's been an exceptionally interesting and challenging month. Painting "The School Yard" really brought a lot to the forefront. The work I've been doing since has upped the stakes and sliced even deeper into wounds.
I've said this over the years and it's incredibly true - when we choose to take the time to work on ourselves, it really is like peeling an onion. We strip away a layer, see something new and rest in it a bit thinking "aha, that's it". But if we continue…there is always another layer. Down and down we go.
Over the weekend I felt something new. Unsettling. Scary. And very real.
9 years ago, when I began training with my leather Teacher, he saw the anger in me and attempted to push it out. I didn't even feel it at the time. Yes, I'd get angry at circumstances, but he tried to tell me of a deep anger.
Since then, with all the work in years of therapy, I've been able to begin recognizing that anger. With each passing month I saw with greater clarity when a button was pushed and how it really was rubbing something ancient, not only the situation in the present.
This past Sunday I woke and felt the depth of my rage. Rage isn't really a good word for it. It was violence. Red, hot violence.
When pain hits, I know to move through it. But the violence is inside and not a thing on the outside I can pass through. Despair began to take over because I wondered how I'd remove this fiery ball of hell. Monday, I was getting ready for work and out of nowhere I burst into tears. I recognized another harsh truth: I truly, utterly hated myself. And it confused me. It was real but also felt in contradiction to the strength I've been acquiring. The assuredness that yes I can paint and in that I was discovering strength in other areas of my life. I didn't know how the immense hatred could coexist with the knowledge I now carried. In the last few months, for the first time in my life, I recognized and accepted that I was a strong being and no longer despised that aspect of self. Yet I saw the level to which I really hated myself.
I sunk.
This was all good food for my therapy session on Wednesday. As I was speaking with my therapist a huge, glowing grin came over his face. "I have been waiting for you to get to this moment!" He said the violence comes from all the hurt in my life, and it's on a cellular level…now a part of my marrow. He said "you've been wronged, over and over…and the violence comes from the built up rage. Violence is a perfect word for it." He then said "You aren't going to like what I'm going to say." I knew then exactly where he was going. "You will never get rid of the violence. It's just like the melancholy you carry. It is a part of you."
He went on to explain that the difference is, instead of not being aware of it and living life unconscious and pretending…fearful of really seeing the beast within, I can make it work for me. He added that I can use that violence and sadness in my art, my sex, my meditation and it will find expressions of joy and peace. Even richer sensations.
Then something really special happened. He said again, "you were wronged". I had been feeling like I had been such an evil person and so I asked him to repeat those three words. "Say it again please." He would and then I'd ask him to repeat it. Over and over. Each time he said it, it stung inside because it was bumping into my paradigm of "I am bad and that's why I've been hurt". Also, which I love, in those words I didn't feel like a victim at all. It was simply a fact, just an "is". I didn't see enemies. I didn't see others as bad. Instead, great compassion came over me. First for myself and from there, I felt it filter outward. In that, there was massive sadness and love for all who had hurt me.
It was an intense session. I felt lighter and at the same time beat up. I asked if I could see him again the very next day and so we booked it.
Yesterday I returned, not knowing what we'd talk about but aware I needed the safety of his presence and the couch. That space.
I made a glib comment about how I was glad I could pay him to be there for me. It's not the first time that I've said it to him but this time he jumped on it and began to really push. I believe it's because he knew I was still open from our session the day before. Oh...have I said that he is a sadist? He was incredibly insistent and continued to probe. "What is it you're really paying for?"
A few weeks back I wrote about how I was paying him to be honest with me because I needed brutally honest people in my life. So I threw that back at him. "Yes it's true but that's not the core reason." He kept pushing. I was beginning to get angry because I really couldn't see what he was getting at. I wanted clues and then wanted him to give me the answer while at the same time I knew I needed to figure it out for myself. He taunted my competitive nature. It was a really uncomfortable session. Stuff was moving.
Finally, in a small voice I said "I'm paying you for intimacy because I don't believe I can get it any other way." In essence, because I'm not worthy of sharing in intimacy.
An exhale and he quietly said "Yes…that's right."
The impact of that great truth began to hit me. He added that I had very good reason to have such a belief because I had sought intimacy my entire life and people could never meet me there but my past need not be my present and definitely not my future.
In the last couple months I've experienced times with a few folks of that scary, deep, revealing intimacy and holding on to that, along with the words of my therapist does make it feel that it is possible.
Today I am in awe. Looking back over the years and seeing the onion layers, each one was a truth but only a truth on that level because there is always something deeper lurking. And I've touched another layer.