It's been an incredibly busy week between work and the art. Each day busier than the last.
Yesterday was nonstop and therefore no blogging.
It began when I overslept and didn't get in until 6:20 (which for me is late).
When I came in the computer wouldn't come on, and my desk lamp didn't work. Still half asleep I walked into J's office.
"The electricity is busted in my office."
He laughed, walked into my office and flipped the switch on my power strip. Yes I felt like a dork.
When the light came on I noticed the middle shelf of my bookcase had broken and everything was on the floor.
Looked at the time I remembered I had a 7 am phone/web interview meeting with developers from our donor software. I was assisting with some beta development/testing and wasn't yet clear-headed enough to be extra logical. Hadn't really entirely woken up, finished my coffee or eased into my day.
It was the first day of our Fall phonathon which is always very busy for me. After the meeting with the software folks I began entering new pledges to only realize I hadn't written off last fall's unpaid pledges so needed to stop what I was doing to work on the write-offs which took all day. It was the first time in 9 years I'd forgotten to do that crucial step.
My adding machine gave up it's ghost after 8 faithful years of service.
After lunch I knocked over my favorite glass that I've used for the last 5 years which spilled water and broke the glass on the desk.
Couldn't make it thru one project without receiving a request for an "asap...need it yesterday" report. In mid-afternoon I had 5 report requests within a half hour from two different departments which I managed to complete but meant my current task was left incomplete.
Excessively groggy all day.
Looked down at the end of the day and noticed my index finger was sliced up in a few places…and have no idea how. No blood.
I didn't realize how ludicrously crazy the day was going until my coworker asked. After relaying the events of the day he asked "And you're still here?" With a grin I answered, "well...yeah!"
At that moment it dawned on me that I had one hour of work left and then quickly needed a few gin and tonics and a couple sushi rolls before coming home and crawling in bed wicked early. As much as I wanted to get down to the studio to paint, my body wasn't in any shape for it.
On the way home I remembered a dinner date with a really dear friend which I sadly needed to cancel because I was no longer headed downtown and much too exhausted to meet him later.
For such a zooey day, it surprisingly didn't carry any frustration. Each dilemma was met, worked on, or let go of and on to the next moment. It was quite pleasant, filled with jokes and although I couldn't finish what I really wanted to, everything else managed to get done.
Thankfully, I slept a solid 8 hours last night for the first time in over a week. Good thing because from looking at my desk, today is quite full and a short day so I can run to the studio to prep for tonight's art walk.