Montana Pride~
From what I can tell, the first event was held in Missoula in 2004, Helena in 2005 & 2006, Billings in 2007 & 2008, and Kalispell in 2009 & 2010. In 2011 it will be in Bozeman. There was a march route and after folks trekked over to the fairgrounds where there was a rally and festivities. At the last minute a Monster Truck rally was also scheduled the same weekend in another part of the fairgrounds. Yup. The queers and monster trucks in the same area. It reminded me of last year's weekend retreat where we were in Skagit County, WA and shared the hotel with the Skagit Valley NRA group.
While doing a little research I found an article mentioning that white supremacist activity has been increasing. In October 2009, Kalispell was the location of a demonstration by white supremacists. The article is found
It was a brilliant, joyful and sobering weekend, filled with reminders that the majority of the country isn't Boston, NYC, SF, Seattle, Chicago and LA. The organizers of Pride weekend included a Friday evening safety workshop to prepare attendees for possible conflict. Flathead County brought in the Sheriff's posse to offer extra protection if needed. There wasn't a sense of fear, but of prudence.
I met many passionate activists who really are in the trenches. On Saturday afternoon we listened to a panel made up of some of these powerful people, from Montana Two Spirit Society, Montana Human Rights Commission, to one working with Safe Schools, a philanthropist, and an out lesbian democrat who represents the 95th district in the Montana House of Representatives. We were engrossed in their stories and their struggles. Interestingly, and what was noted by a coworker during the panel discussion, none of the 5 brought up marriage equality. Although important, they are focused on basic equal rights that really touch daily survival.
We can get complacent in our comfort and in that, take safety for granted.
Now on to the march. You can click on the photos to see them in a larger format.
This is the front of the march lineup. No dykes on bikes but they had a really groovy hot pink convertible VW bug. The Grand Marshall was Dawn Prince-Hughes, an anthropologist and author. Fascinating person.
Here is a wiki article on her.
Behind the pink bug was the "Giant Ass Drum Corps" who travelled from Spokane, WA for the march.

Prepping the large gay pride flag...

These guys were great...and I loved their t-shirts.

The only protestors I did see on the march route. They were on the left.

A few steps later I saw this guy on the right and his simple sign brought smiles.

The constituencies weren't always large, but they were visible.

A few onlookers/supporters.

The Missoula Gay Men's Chorus...

The Montana Two Spirit Society...

...end of the march route. From here you just needed to walk to the silos, hang a right and head down the road to the fairgrounds.