I'm trying to take daily studio photos wondering what else can I see in that space that's new and different.
Since Feb 28, the first day of my sabbatical, I've painted every day except one. Thursday was a no work day. I purchased more paint and canvases, then headed to West Seattle to pick up paintings that had been hanging for two month and did bring everything to the studio. So it was work but not painting work. I was tired and needed a break.
Today, I'll be in there by 8:30 am because I have a photo shoot at 1pm. Someone saw the few photos I shot of friend's puppies and hired me to take photos of their dog. Hopefully the weather breaks because we plan on doing this at the park. From there I go home and chill for a few hours before heading to a dungeon warming party. It's been a busy party month and the month isn't even half over.
Thursday evening was Capitol Hill Art Walk. Instead of hitting the galleries I headed over to the Women's Tattoo Forum art show and fundraiser at Sole Repair to meet a few friends. It was an easy evening of good vibes and once again saw another aspect of my life come full circle as I was introduced to a couple who 12 years ago was recommended as being possible teachers for me. The reason we never met is because I was then introduced to the wonderful man who would become my teacher.
These two women are an amazing couple. Very old school in the sense of character and values and it's a big part of what I cherish most...depth, privacy, a unique substance, a desire to sacrifice and a willingness to invest much time, sweat, tears and blood...in something deemed worthy. It is about compassion. And an integrity that filters into all aspects of life. It's not a commercial venture yet one of soul and love. Spending even that little bit of time with them was a strong contrast to what we see today. It warmed my heart.
This year is evolving into a year of sweet and poetic completion.