A few tidbits and links while eating lunch...
~I'm hooked on Trader Joe's salads...with my favorite being their beet salad. Even with dressing it's only about 300 calories and I tend to only use about 1/2 the dressing.
~One of our former studio mates who had moved out of state to obtain her MFA is back for a visit in July. We've decided to do some art time in the studio with pizza, beer & wine. It'll be fun.
~Next week is my boss's last week. Although excited for her, I'm also a little heart sick.
~~Last night I caught most of the new documentary on PBS, "The Freedom Riders". This month is the 50th anniversary of this amazing movement. These were students...young people trained in the art of non-violent civil action. Powerful, powerful stuff. They sacrificed and suffered for their beliefs. There is always a social movement...changes that need to happen. Everyone should watch this two hour brilliant film and you can view the film online
at this PBS link. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
~Down economic times mean greater creativity in how art is being exhibited. And I believe it opens up opportunities to show work. In a time when galleries are sadly closing, and others can't take on new artists, different spaces are popping up to have your work witnessed by others.
We have a few people who turn their living space into art galleries one night a month or every few weeks.
Todd J last year created Gallery 40. It was a 40 foot mobile wall that would be towed and then parked in various parts of town. It had an overhang to protect the work and lights. Brilliant idea.
You can read about it here.
Todd has a new idea -
Gallery (206)...a gallery in a phone booth in Occidental Square. The show opens May 31 and Joey Veltkamp wrote about it
in his blog. And, I have a piece in the phone book.
Scott Burk is an attorney who loves art. He has a small office with plain walls and it's sparsely decorated which is intentional because he wants to highlight the art. Each month he hosts a different artist. And, from my experience, it's done with much care. He came for a studio visit and we spent a few unhurried hours together as he looked at work, making a decision on what he wanted to exhibit.
The Burk Gallery will be exhibiting my work in June.
Now, back to work.