I am so damned tired.
And overwhelmed.
And anxious.
And hungry.
I'm sitting in a TGIFriday's in Seekonk MA where I was able to get a motel room for $45. It's about 5 miles from Providence so I can return tomorrow. I barely ate today because I had to hustle from Middletown RI to Providence for an appt. and then set up and go on three apartment look/sees.
So I'm enjoying a hearty red, a small steak and some broccoli to bolster my spirits while I finally type out an update. It's a good thing they don't have wifi otherwise I wouldn't be taking the time to write. Instead, I'd be surfing for apartments and making lists of who to call for tomorrow.
In spite of the stressful day, I had a restful and much needed 36 hours on the beach which assisted with providing energy for today's apartment search. The anxiety comes from the difficulty of finding an apartment and the knowledge that I then have to find a job.
It seems the bulk of apartments will be available June 1st. That's what I get for moving to a major college town in the spring. I'm considering renting a furnished room until June although a big part of me just wants to begin my life here. Settle down.
I'm trying to have plans, for some direction, and at the same time go with the flow even if the path differs from what I envisioned.
On the really, really good news front:
Tomorrow I'm signing a lease for a painting studio. I saw a place on Friday evening, and two more on Saturday. The Saturday places were from a wonderful company that specializes in working and live/work studios. Both on Saturday were really great but I realized that I didn't want a live/work if it meant I was living away from a vital neighborhood where I could go for walks, pop into a coffee shop…and have that energy that I've come to love from my Seattle neighborhood. The property manager I've been dealing with called me and then showed me a work studio today. It's in Pawtucket but this time, just over the city line from Providence and a super easy bus ride from the neighborhood I want to live in on the east side of town…or a 5 minute car ride.
This old mill building has yoga studios, massage therapists, computer web folks and many artists. They hold open studios twice a year. The owner of the building is committed to the arts and therefore hasn't sold out to developers. There are two mill buildings for work spaces near each other (same owner) and once a year, in August, he throws a large barbecue for his tenants in the parking lot of our building.
As I was being shown around by Len (the property manager who is becoming my guardian angel), he'd tell about about each of the artists as we'd walk past their doors. There was a sense of pride in his voice. I think he's like the dad. Many Rhode Island School of Design faculty have studios in this building, including the department head of sculpture. There's also an artist who was commissioned recently to do a big job in Dubai. And there's a painter who works with two galleries in NYC and makes enough to pay his mortgage and put his 3 children through college.
It seems to be a community of artists who are pretty established in their practice.
In addition to having a really good vibe, here is the miraculous part - The space is over 1200 sq. ft….a massive room, a private bathroom and a large storage area/closet. And, it's only $675 a month, including heat and hot water. Seriously! I just need to pay for electricity.
Now, because it's more than my former studio in the 619, WS DOT will pay the difference for two years as part of the relocation expenses. So I will be paying $432/m for this massive space. I also need to keep track of expenses and time incurred in the studio search because they will reimburse me for that as well.
When the prop. manager took me in the space, he immediately said that he'd repaint the walls to white because he knows I need white walls in the studio. And he's replacing the little bathroom sink with a slop sink.
He's also been sending me leads about apartments.
I've been meeting some really down to earth good people, all going out of their way to assist me without any prompting or asking.
Genuine kindness from strangers.
Now…want to see the space?
(I'm such a sap. As I'm pulling up the photos on my desktop, tears sprang to my eyes. I may not have a job or a place to live…but dammit, I have my studio. It's private and it's huge. And there's good juju.)
Here is a little slideshow of my new studio.
and here is one shot of the space...