Sunday morning I had a Skype appointment with my therapist. It was our first contact (other than a few emails) since I left Seattle. The venue was odd, but not too. It was good to touch base and just pour out all that's happened in the last couple months. We'll do another in a few weeks or so.
My job ended on Friday afternoon. I found out just before leaving the office for the weekend. The company was sold about 3 weeks ago and the new owners decided to restructure.
I left the office shell-shocked. It was very unexpected but I understand their reasoning.
I do have a second interview at one of the local colleges on Friday. It would be a position in the Bursar's office. I met with the Bursar and the assistant Bursar in my first interview. Friday, I meet for an hour with the head of HR and then the following hour with the assistant head of HR. I guess it means I'm definitely in the running.
And I applied for three more positions this morning before heading into the studio.
Painting is going fine.
For the last month, my studio has been leaking during rainstorms. It's the section with my bookcase, the carpet and the comfy chairs. I finally moved everything and laid plastic down along with buckets a few weeks ago. I printed some photos I took of the back end of my space covered in plastic and handed it to the landlord Friday morning saying "I can no longer justify paying full rent if I don't have full use of the space."
Seriously. I didn't sign up for a water feature.
Today while painting I heard lots of banging over head. Methinks they are working on the roof.
The weather has been perfect. Looking out the window a little while ago I saw the most beautiful sky. After dinner I sat on my stoop with a glass of sangria and watched the world go by.
Strangers are really friendly here.
Friday I'm headed to NYC with my roommate D. for the weekend. She is going to hook up with friends and I've been given the keys to a friend's space on the lower east side so I'll have my own little nest. We'll reconnect on Sunday for Pride and then hop the bus later in the day.
I'm looking forward to a trip into the city to check out some art.
In the last month, I've been dropping the weight I put on in the last year that I couldn't seem to take off. It was a severely stressful year. I feel better in my body.
Here is my lobster photo because I've been hankering for its sweet flesh.