15 Hours in NYC~
It was a day of cars, buses, and trains all while seeing good art, working on a new series, hearing fab jazz, surrounding myself with greenery and eating some of the most fall off the bone, tender, flavorful food I've had in a while.
I was up at 5 am yesterday to grab the 7 am Megabus and we arrived at 7th and 28th at 9:45! So I walked up 7th thru Times Square to head for my next destination, stopping to finally pick up coffee and breakfast.

I was at the MoMA by 11 am and spent a couple hours in the museum not only immersing myself in the work, but also working on one of my ideas for one of my other series that's been percolating. While there I finally purchased my MoMA membership.

At 1pm I met up with my sister Lucie and niece Sarah outside of the MoMA. We headed to Crown Heights in Brooklyn to meet Sarah's boyfriend who was taking us to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.

Spent about an hour wandering the Brooklyn Gardens and then enjoyed super amazing West Indian food from a little place around the corner before heading back into town to get ready for the evening's festivities.

Rockwood Music Hall for a killer show of one of Sarah's bands at 9pm. My friend Matt joined us for the concert and a late dinner at the little meatball place in the LES. We had a table of almost 20, filled up with the band, other musicians and their friends. It was a fun-filled evening which ended when I dragged myself into bed about 1 am.