Monday, May 27, 2013

I finished setting up the studio much as I could.  I'm on the lookout for another cheap bookcase to store supplies.  But, have to get to work.  There is something wonderful about making a salad in the kitchen, pouring a glass of wine and then walking a few steps into the studio to begin painting.  Not having worked in 2 months, due to the move, I am nervous.  It will be groovy once I settle in, but the anxiousness is part of my process. Taking it slowly with black, white and ochre acrylics.  As you can see, I'm so in love with the light.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I committed my weekend to sorting out the new studio space in my home.  It's been a challenge, but coming along and very much worth it.

Last night I had a wonderful break by meeting Mark for dinner.  We headed to the Grange.  My second trip, his first…and it was amazing.  Everything we ate was phenomenal.   What I really like about the food is that it doesn't pretend to be something else.  I love vegetarian & vegan dishes but am not a fan of vegetarian restaurants that try to seduce meat lovers by offering plates replicating meat dishes.

Instead, there is a mindfulness for the quality of each ingredient and how it is mated with others, highlighting the best of each.  Like great sex.

Afterward, M needed to return to his commitments and I chose to attend Waterfire, the first of the season.  I never made it last year and so was thrilled I had the opportunity.  It was a pretty fabulous evening, strolling the canal, looking at all the burns while music filled the air.  

And today, after two days of working...the studio is getting there! All the boxes on the left are art supplies and that's tomorrow's project. The bookcase now holds the art books of my fave painters on the bottom two shelves. Then the others are a shelf of written journals (which I still do because it is more personal than typing) and a shelf of sketchbooks. It feels good to have those accessible...referencing for future work. This photo was taken about 4:30 pm. Still nice light.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Since I've moved, my studio has been the holding tank for boxes and stuff as I'm slowly unpacking.  Part of this weekend's festivities is to finish turning this room into my painting space.  The bulk of my canvases is already stored in my living room closet and I've been tackling the boxes of books.  I'm very much looking forward to painting again.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer has arrived in Providence and all I can think about are the many beach trips in my near future.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

it's been 19 months since i first began packing to move east. it started with packing my studio in the 619 and placing art stuff in storage.  the next 5 months consisted of prepping to leave a job of 12 years and packing my apartment.  since arriving in providence, i've been renting a room for the last year.

on friday, friends kindly came by to help me move furniture around and get a sense of where things should be.  i was too tired to think clearly.  now I can unpack my books, put up blinds, curtains and paintings and finally see the light that beckons home.

i had no idea how exhausted the last almost two years have made me until yesterday when i came down with a nasty cold and am essentially out flat. but…the bulk of the apartment will be done in the next few weeks.

friday night. 
five friends. 


Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Still have things to do in the kitchen and the living room and the bedroom and the bathroom...but it will take time.  In a holding pattern.  So now I'm finally beginning to clear out the studio and make room for painting.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Before moving from west to east last year I got rid of a ton of extra clothes I no longer wore.   About an hour ago I finished going thru all my clothes.  Everything is sorted by season, unpacked, folded or hung up.   And now there is a large trash bag that will be full once I put the remaining clothes in it.   

This my friends comes from menopause.  After fluctuating very little for about 25 years, in 12 months my middle became thicker and stuff stopped fitting.   For me, it's the most frustrating part of this season of my life.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Yesterday and today I sat on my new front stoop enjoying the sunshine, the warmth, the smell of blossoming spring and the view.   This is what I see from my front steps.

Today I realized how tired I really am.   It's been a long two years, with having to leave the 619 Arts building in Seattle and then in a holding pattern for 6 months until I moved to Providence.

In Providence, although I've been working and painting and slowly getting to connect with folks and learn the area and staying in a wonderful place…it wasn't my home.   Renting a room is not the same, especially at 53 years old.

Today it hit me that I can't believe I'm setting up my house. 

I wonder what the future has in store.  

Saturday, May 04, 2013

In unpacking I am going through boxes that I packed in February 2012 and haven't opened until now.

I am intentionally unpacking slowly because I want to get to know the space...feel its character.  In a way it's a meditation on this new relationship with another home, a mindfulness.  Here is a little study in white I created in my kitchen. 

It's been a crazy few weeks.  The day before my flight to Seattle I was in the studio completing all the packing.  The day before that was spent painting the kitchen and the living room in the new apartment.   Then a whirlwind few days in the Emerald City which was filled with love, joy and phenomenal music.  

Took a redeye from Seattle to Providence on Monday night.  I was in Providence by 9:30 Tuesday morning and crashed all day.  Up at 5 am Wednesday morning to take apart my bed and had to meet the movers at the studio at 8 am.    

Hiring movers was money well spent.  They had me all moved in by 11 am and then I could turn to the task of setting up my home.   

This is the living room in my new apartment which I will convert into my new studio space.   I will then take the largest of the 2 bedrooms for a living room.  Minus the bay window space, the new studio is 14 x 14 square.  The windows face west and there is a large tree in front so it will remain cool in the summer.  

And here is the studio on Wednesday after the movers left.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Wednesday night was the first night in my new apartment. Before going to sleep, I made sure the coffee and coffee maker were readily available for morning. Upon waking, I stumbled into the kitchen and a soft "ahhh" filled the room. The kitchen windows face east which makes for beautiful morning light.