Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My friend Matt spend Saturday evening with me on...stopping on his way to the Cape.  After a wonderful sushi dinner, we went to Waterfire.  There was a full burn scheduled that evening and it was his first experience.  

The vibe at Waterfire is pretty great.  When you stop...and sit, really engaging with the burn (ignoring the crowds), it's magical and centering.

Here are a few photos from the evening.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I'm holding a special ONLINE sale of some recent paintings. These are from the "Beach" paintings, the first series since I returned to the east coast. It is a month long sale beginning July 9 and ends August 10.

In addition to checks and cash, I've set up a PayPal account to facilitate credit card purchases.

The available paintings are on my website at:


After 14 years in Seattle my return to New England has affirmed that its coastline is my home. Reintroducing myself to the dunes on the Cape and Martha’s Vineyard I knew this landscape would become my first east coast series.

The series first began as a love letter to this magical landscape and an exercise in light, space and color. It still is, but over the last few months I’ve watched the substance behind the paintings take hold. In painting the dune path I am painting the artist’s journey. We know the ocean is over the crest yet it remains hidden as we climb the hot sands. It is a landscape with an ever changing personality: its calm and dramatic nature. A character of extremes, it can feel isolating and yet that space is full of emotion, of ideas, and of color.

(series still in progress)

Email me at gagnon60@gmail.com if interested.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

in progress

How to paint in really hot weather? I normally don't. My body doesn't work well with major heat. But after a week and a half of not painting, I couldn't not work. Mornings are fairly comfortable. I place the fans on the west side (living room and painting studio) to bring in the cooler air and so was able to paint for a while yesterday morning before the room became unbearably warm. Still taking it slow and thoughtfully with this painting.  I first began this painting last fall and hadn't touched it until a few weeks ago.

I haven't worked in this fashion in over 15 years, having instead just painted fast, furious and emotionally. Now, I'm trying to balance the emotion with thinking through the painting. This morning was spent warming up the painting after the cooler and greener undertones and also working on smaller sections. I will need to go in and redraw but will wait for better weather when my head is clearer. Also, I am totally falling in love with this painting.  

"Her Boys" (still in progress) 24 x 24 in., oil on canvas