Fun work incident: I work with many people who have very thick south of Boston accents. It's something I've noticed since I've moved to Providence. My desk is next to a guy named Don. There is a worker in the factory whose name is Dawn. Sometimes, the operator will page "Dawn please call the operator". Early on when I'd hear the page I'd ask Don "why aren't you calling the operator?" He'd respond "because she paged Dawn"
Me: "How can you tell the difference?
Don: "It's obvious" he says.
And we'd both end up laughing.
Yesterday I had nothing to do, so I asked the other 4 in my area "anyone need help? I'm even up for doing something boring!". Angela gave me a job. As I worked through a list of UPC numbers on my computer I came upon a problem. After some thinking I realized I could research using something Don has shown me when I've assisted him.
I complete the job and hand it back to Angela, mentioning the fact that I was stumped in the middle but used something Don taught me. She and two others in the workspace look at me, confused, and all say "Dawn? When have you done work for Dawn?" I look at them, puzzled. "I've helped Don almost every week!" They ask "but you haven't been introduced to Dawn!"
There was much laughter once we all realized what was happening. It reminded me of the "who's on first" comedy bit because we went round and round for a while.
(photo taken a couple nights ago on Broadway…next to my home)