It's been a while since I posted. I have full intention of returning to this blog with longer posts and more frequent entries, but sadly, I've been neglectful.
One day it will happen.
I am still working a temp position and I need to keep reminding myself that there is a fair amount of stress when not a permanent employee. In addition, it doesn't really pay the bills. I spend my time out of work in an attempt to keep a semblance of normalcy and routine in the midst of this shaky ground. It involves spending more time experimenting with cooking, which takes time, hitting the gym 4 - 5 times a week, work with my art and then make time to see friends and visit my folks once a month.
So, that's my life in a nutshell. It may give the impression of a mundane life but there is much richness found in the spaces.
Last weekend I had planned on going to the beach, but stayed in and worked on paintings for two days. I hadn't been to Horseneck Beach since April.
On Wednesday afternoon, as I was leaving work I took a left instead of a right and ended up here.