It's been a while...months, since I've posted.
August and September left me financially strapped. I was in the middle of a lengthy hiring process for a new job, my temp job wasn't paying the bills and I had maxed out my two credit cards with frivolities such as food and gas. I became acutely aware of how frightened I was, although I tried really hard not to have it consume my days.
In this, I also wondered where the blog was headed.
I missed blogging.
I began my new position at the end of September and it took me until this month to get caught up on my bills. As of today, I am no longer behind in my payments. The new position covers my monthly expenses will a little left over to enjoy a nice dinner out with friends once a week.
Solstice and the holidays are upon us. This year, maybe due to the stress of the last 12 months, I've relished this season. December came and I immediately put my little feather tree in my painting studio. A week later, I had the wonderful smell of evergreen in my living room with my green tree.
I don't know what next year holds but there has been a building excitement deep within me. I sense changes.
Life is an adventure, isn't it?