Monday, April 30, 2012

Sent out resumes. Ran a buttload of errands. Painted. Juggled simultaneous phone calls and emails from my WSDOT relocation specialist, the gallery owner about the show that opens next week and a woman from the personnel agency about a new job, beginning as temporary with a very real possibility of becoming permanent.

I thought I was going to start work tomorrow, but due to WSDOT stuff and the show stuff, tomorrow will be filled with more running around to complete details for both, including a show statement to write as well as continue working on a draft for my appeal to DOT. So I'll begin work on Wednesday.

This position has much of my wish list: a small company, casual, family-like, manufacturing (textiles/fabrics), longevity with its employees. I'll even be trained on Peachtree accounting software, which was on my must learn list. And thus far, another bonus? My studio is exactly half way between my apt and the job. It's almost a direct line. So it's a fairly short commute and convenient.

I'm thrilled to be working again and at the same time, sad that the flowing nature of my weekdays is coming to an end. Despite the anxiety about getting comfortable in a new place, not having my friends around, and no job...I've enjoyed what has felt like what was a good beginning groove to being a full time painter. I was slowly shifting my work mentality to encompass right brain work.

One day it will happen.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

This morning I decided to take the day off from painting and job hunting and do nothing but go on a full day adventure, discovering more coastline. Yesterday afternoon I spent a few hours exploring the east side of the bay. Today it was the west side. I headed to Narragansett and then followed the shore road past Point Judith.

It was a very bright day and the color of the water was well...astounding.

I also enjoyed my first lobster since I've moved to Rhode Island. It was perfect. Not overly mayo-ed and had celery, onion and dill. And major chunks of lobster. A gin and tonic and an ocean view made for a pretty fabulous meal. So filling that I didn't finish the fries.

This is the fourth painting (in progress) in my new series of self portraits of little me, that I worked on yesterday. 24"x12", oil on canvas.

The light was so beautiful in my bathroom after I returned from the ocean yesterday.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Horseneck Beach. It's a gorgeous beach. Many dunes. Wild. Vast. And today, exceptionally windy. I couldn't even stare at the ocean for more than a few minutes. The sand was whipping my face and getting into my eyes. I only took a few photos because I feared getting sand in my camera. Other than the short weekend near Newport, when I was apartment hunting, I haven't allowed myself any beach time. I felt vast pressure to get the studio going, become familiar with Providence, and especially...find a damned job. Today, while painting, I knew I just needed to find the ocean. And I did. It was good.

Do you know how difficult it is to find a simple radio nowadays? I have an iPod Nano and a speaker dock for it. But I've been hankering for NPR in the studio and it took me three days to hunt down a no frills am/fm radio that I could plug into the speakers. was successful today...for under $10. LOL. I'm so high tech.

busy day. submitted more resumes. in studio early. worked on the "little me" series and now have four paintings going. four hours later left to go find the ocean. was successful. took this photo as i was leaving the studio. apparently there is an open figure drawing session every saturday for 3 hours in the studio right across from mine. i'm gonna hit it hopefully next saturday.

Friday, April 27, 2012

I'm finally getting around to going through some of the photos I took back in March during a really great afternoon at the Seattle Aquarium with a friend and her little boys.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Trying not to freak too much because I'm still looking for work. So after sending out resumes each morning, I hit the studio. It's the place where I can attempt to ground myself...while working the paintings. In my normal fashion, I have 5 paintings going, being able to pick one up while allowing others to dry before going into them again. Two of these are self portraits of little me at the beach. both the same size, about 28"x22" (I think). Being patient with them... Here is self portrait #2 after today's studio time. This one is finally starting to get somewhere. The other is still a mess.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lots going on. Still on the job hunt. Met a good friend from NYC who is in Boston this week for work and drove down to Providence yesterday so we could hang. Today...spent all of it working on my May show, including 3 hours on the phone with the gallery director as we completed selection of the work.

Photo taken on Thayer St.

It's after 9pm and I'm bushed. Time to zone with a cuppa tea and some tv.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Some photos from yesterday's walkabout...campuses of RISD and Brown.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A couple friends came down from Boston and we spent a wonderful day walking around College Hill and getting a personal tour of Brown.

The day ended with some killer grilled pizza on Federal Hill at Bob and Timmy's.

All in all...a perfect day.

This sign tickled me - Built c. 1765 Moved here c. 1865

Friday, April 20, 2012

Morning errands. I'm learning my way around the city. The branch of the Post Office Credit Union that partners with my BECU CU is midway between the studio and the apartment. Fairly convenient. From there I had another interview. An interesting job as Importer Coordinator for an Import/Export Brokerage firm that deals with international imports. The brokers need to be licensed by Customs. I'd be entering in the information of shipments coming into the country. From there it gets transmitted to Customs and if everything is cool, the shipment can be released.

Definitely an industry I didn't even think about but was quite impressed with the vibe inside the office. There is much loyalty within the company and the new COO began over 20 years ago as a runner. My skills are suited perfectly. And the bonus is that it is barely a mile directly north of my studio.

There were four candidates and I think I was the final interview. We'll see what happens.

From there, I painted for a couple hours. Yesterday's painting is still wet so I put it to the side and need to be patient with it. I pulled out another canvas and began a new one...of the same subject matter.

I am enthralled with, as a friend noted, "visiting my younger self". When I was in the 619, I had a strong sense of urgency with the work. Right now, I'm taking it slower. Doing more feeling and thinking along with the active painting. Granted, it's only been a few days but I'm enjoying the slower pace. Maybe in this I can finally break through to something courageous and even more honest.

A b&w photo of a painting begun today. 28"x22", oil on canvas. doesn't look like this anymore. I moved the girl to the far right. Changed the background. But I'm excited about it. On Wednesday I began painting. Worked on two little canvases...just to get my hand moving. Today, I began this piece - a self portrait from when I was little. At the beach. Can't wait to see where it goes.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Found in the grocery store near my apartment. Guess they don't want you to miss out on the experience if you can't get to Boston for a game.

Mother Earth: "Each day is a choice of what to do."

I know this 9 minute short may be a little long for the Twitter generation...but it is filled with all sorts of massive amounts of awesome. Dizzy Gillespie as Father Time. Maureen Stapleton as Mother Earth. Great score by Gillespie.

From the NPR link, which includes the story and summary:

A Concerned Dizzy Gillespie Explains All Of Human History

"The iconic trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie is best remembered as a jazz pioneer. But somewhere in his 50+ year career, he also lent his talents to a trippy animated parable made for an activist think tank. For "Voyage to Next," he voiced the part of Father Time (alongside Mother Earth, played by Maureen Stapleton) and scored the soundtrack. Everything about this screams "the '70s" and is, not incidentally, wonderful."

Embedded video:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It's been a day.

Actually it began at 11 pm last night when people next door decided to party outside. At 2:45 am I called the cops. They came by, told folks to hold it down, and everyone disappeared by 3 am. I slept until 6ish. Frustrated and angry. I hate having my sleep disrupted.

So...I woke out of sorts and sleep deprived. Opened up the blinds and the thing came crashing down. Broken. Jumped in the shower and the shower curtain came crashing down. I had an interview at 10...which also included testing on data entry and excel. Great. Always fun to do with major lack of sleep. Picked up a new blind and attempted to hang it. Nothing was working. Dropped a saw and it almost hit my apartment mate's bare toes. She kindly put up the blind for me. This afternoon the most I could do in the studio is pick up a tube of titanium white and hang more paintings. Then came home and spilled my big glass of water all over my apartment mate's grandmother's hope chest.

Now I'm safely tucked into bed at 7 pm needing a little familiarity and so am watching episodes of "The West Wing" with a cup of tea and looking forward to a better day tomorrow. The world is a little safer if I stay put this evening and do much of nothing.

Chocolate would be good.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Sophia Room v2 - Providence

Almost nine months after our eviction from the 619 Western Arts buildind...I am ready to dig back into oils this afternoon. Just needed to hang the sign.

I've been working in the studio since Saturday, slowly attempting to figure out where to put things, how to organize the space, and simply get a feel for it.

For now, all the amazing art from various Seattle artists will be going in my bedroom in the apartment I'm sharing. But when I unwrapped this wonderful piece by the more wonderful Joseph Keppler, I knew it had to go in the studio.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Crazy 85 degree day in mid-April.

The summer heat is the only thing I was dreading about returning to New England. And today we had a preview. My roommate invited me to go to the beach with her this afternoon. Yes it's my passion and one of my centering places, but now that I'm settling in, I'm holding off until a few more things are organized. It's the same with exploring certain areas of the city. I need to wait until the studio is fully set. Or...fully set for now. The beach will be my treat to myself.

Although far too hot for me, it was blessedly at least 10 degrees cooler in the studio. It's one of the advantages of being on the north side.

Here are a few New England sea treasures that roomie brought home.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I took a couple photos of the studio today as it is coming together but they were with my cellphone. And...I don't know how to email those to myself so instead, here is one of the over 300 photos I took at Easter with my family. My niece and her friend's daughter. All my nephews and niece are older so it was great having a little one around for the day.

It looks like I should be able to begin painting tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday. It's been almost nine months since I worked in oils. I guess I can look at it as my gestation period. Spending time today and yesterday afternoon alone in the studio reminded me how powerful the space is. Self, alone...with the work. There is room for everything to come up. For me, it's more potent than play because there is no reliance or bouncing off another. So if I can make myself stay in that space...there is no distraction.

We need people. Connections. But there is something about that aloneness...facing yourself. I've been so consumed with leaving the 619, leaving my job, my friends, the town I love, the logistics of a cross country move, multiple painting shows...that I haven't engaged in that quiet space. I know I didn't make time for it because not only was I crazy busy but the biggest reason was because I feared the silence. I feared that all sorts of stuff would come up and I didn't want all I had to do be derailed by big emotions. I needed to go go go.

Now that I'm settling and making myself sit in the quiet while in the studio, it is coming up. And it is good. And it hurts. And it is healthy. And it is needed.

A corona margarita. And no, it wasn't my drink.

As I was sorting boxes (studio in one area, apartment stuff in another, and books in a third pile) I found this box.

On the pod-loading day in Seattle, I had asked Gryph to pack a few remaining things for me, including my holiday stuff. Here is his endearing handiwork.

Seeing this little note from home was perfect.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My nephews arrived and they rocked big time. Super phenomenal. Within 2 hours not only was the pod emptied with mostly everything in the studio but we had driven to the apartment and dropped off two dressers, a tv and a couple large plastic storage containers of clothes.

I am so friggin' tired and sore. Some food, a little rest and then back to the studio to begin sorting through the mish mash of boxes. Methinks a bottle of red is in my near future. And a long, hot bath.

This is a view from my studio window.

Friday, April 13, 2012

My moving pod arrived at the studio at 10:30 (EST) today. Two of my nephews, Luke and Ben, are driving from western MA to Providence tomorrow to help me unload it. Most of the apartment stuff will be stored in the studio until I get my own apartment but we'll bring the bedding, some more clothes and a dresser to this current apt. Yeah!

It will feel so good to have paintings, art supplies, my books and my stuff around me again.

I texted Craig and he replied with: "woohoo! be careful unloading. get the guitar off the top early." Considering he loaded it with Travis, I fully appreciated the tip.

After meeting the Pod people...or in this case, the pod person...I went up to the studio to drop off a couple things. On my way upstairs I noticed a sign for a free chair. Someone on the first floor (next to the freight elevator) was giving it away. 10 minutes later this beauty (very comfortable) is now my new comfy studio chair.

It's large, soft and other than a couple stains, which doesn't bother me because I'll add to it in the future, it's in excellent condition. I then return to the apartment and upon walking in get a phone call from someone near Brown U who has a free table to give away. I'm picking it up this evening or tomorrow.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Some of you know how I loathe shopping. I tend to hold off as long as I can before buying what I need. What I detest more than shopping is the mall. It's loud. Clangy. Sharp light. And it's contained consumerism. I tend to feel claustrophobic in a mall.

Because I could dress down at work I haven't had business clothes in years. So yesterday I braced myself and headed over to Providence Place - the mall in the center of town. Walking in I was pleasantly surprised. Massive skylights and big windows overlooking the canal that flows beneath the structure assisted with not feeling overwhelmed. And the bonus that made shopping almost tolerable was the fact that the mall was carpeted. What a difference it makes.

I'm still don't like shopping but may not drag my feet when I need something knowing there's a space that feels not so frenetic and harsh. And how can one argue with the view of the canal?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

There is a teepee in my backyard.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A few Providence scenes while on my walk this evening. There are lots of hookah bars here.

Slowly settling in. Can't wait to unpack the moving pod on Saturday and finally see my paintings and supplies and living things. Sent out 5 resumes yesterday and another today. Have an interview on Thursday. Walked around today to get more familiar with my neighborhood. Limbo is a little discombobulating.

After six months of nonstop crazy busyness, this is the first week where, other than looking for work, I really don't have plans. Can't do any painting until next week when I'm officially in the studio. I also have to get work tables and a few supplies and am hesitant about how much to spend before having a regular income. Trying to go with the flow.

The light was quite beautiful while walking after an early dinner.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

My bedroom.

It longer than what you see. But I have luggage on the floor at the other end. My dressers will arrive next week. My bedding is also in the moving pod and so mom let me borrow a bedspread and the afghan. Yesterday I picked up sheets, the little area rug, the green blanket and the table lamp. The little table came from Matt.

What I didn't realize, until I put everything together is that it feels like the beach. Perfect.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Right now I'm enjoying a cup of chamomile while curled up in a blanket on a very comfortable couch in my new digs. My apartment mate is at work until late tonight. The house is quiet. I'm exhausted. And...content.

This morning I left western MA very early to meet the mover from Boston at the studio. I filled up my car with the boxes I had shipped home a few weeks ago. And I grabbed a few boxes that had been sitting in my mom's basement since I moved to Seattle. While waiting in the studio for the mover, I unpacked a large flat box and found this painting. I had painted it in 1996 and I haven't seen it in about 14 years. Honestly, I totally forgot about it and so it was a nice surprise. It's now hung on the studio wall...waiting for the remainder of my art stuff to arrive.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

I've been back at my mom's for the last few days, finalizing details.

As of today:

I have a mover who will move my bed and a few other things from Boston to the studio and to the apt on this friday.
So as of Friday, I'll be in my new home.

I've called ABF u-pack to deliver the pod to the studio next Friday, the 13th. Some of my nephews will drive to Providence to help me unload the pod. Most of my things will be stored in the studio until I get my own private apartment. Because I'm renting a bedroom, I don't need my kitchen stuff, etc.

Yesterday I spent most of the day compiling and copying paperwork, receipts and other things for WA State DOT and finally sent it out priority mail. They will be reimbursing me for the cost of seeking a studio - mileage, expenses, and time. Today I emailed my DOT relocation guy with photos of the 3 studios I looked at including the one I chose.

It will be nice to finally...finally be settled. Then I can actually begin looking for a job.

Moving 3000 miles, with an apt and a painting studio of stuff, by yourself is not the easiest thing. I'm superstoked that I'm coming up on the tail end of this very wearing process.

The photo is a pix I took of Bodie on my last night in Seattle.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Last weekend I acquired the painting studio. This morning I made a choice on an apartment. Hopefully this week I'll try to get my bed from Boston to Providence and then can begin the move in.

Yesterday morning I was all set to take the little place near my studio in Pawtucket. I had one more appt and almost cancelled it. I've been utterly exhausted. But, I pushed myself to go and it was a good thing I did. It's an apartment share in Federal Hill. Couple blocks away from Julian's (that cool restaurant from Friday)...and in a great neighborhood. Everything is pretty walkable and my art studio is a 10 minute car ride or an easy 1/2 hour bus ride.

The reason I forced myself to see the place is because the bedroom has its own bathroom and its own private entrance. The woman is a little older than me and works a couple jobs. Her daughter is in college in Boston and not often there. I'll be paying $550 a month for absolutely everything. Laundry in the basement and off street parking.

So there were interesting pros and cons to this space versus the little apt in Pawtucket. The other had full privacy. This one had location. I opted for this one because there's no lease and I think it will help for me to have people around periodically. Being new to the city, if I get depressed I will isolate myself and that's no good. Not without my lifeline of friends.

I decided to take 24 hours to think it over. Being emotionally and mentally spent, I didn't trust what I was feeling. This morning I knew I was taking a bit of a risk but chose the apartment share. It also makes the most sense while I'm looking for a job. I'm pretty excited about it. Hopefully I'll be moving in this week.

Next week I'm moving into my art space.

Once the painting studio is set up I plan on holding a couple open studios: one for the other artists in the building so I can meet them, and a second for all my friends. I'll make sure to post details here.

Here is a website about Federal Hill.

The photo was taken at Goddard Memorial Park yesterday.